Course Offerings :
Some of our classes include:
Old Testament Analysis: a study of the books, themes and structure of the Old Testament books.
New Testament Analysis: a study of the books, themes and structure of the New Testament books.
Hermeneutics: how to interpret the Bible within context and how to properly exegete a text.
Homiletics: how to create and deliver sermons on a foundational level.
Bible Doctrines: an examination of the doctrinal teachings of the Pentecostal/Charismatic tradition.
Foundations of Faith I and II: an in-depth look into the distinct perspective of the Word of Faith tradition and teaching.
And more classes. For a complete list, request a copy of our student catalog.
Each year students will complete 30 credits of coursework.
Session 1: August 25 -- September 25 (5 weeks)
Session 2: Oct. 1 – Oct. 30 (5 weeks)
Session 3: Nov. 3 – Nov. 27 (4 weeks)
Session 4: Dec. 3 – Dec. 23 (4 weeks)
Winter Session: Jan. 2- Jan. 22nd (self-paced)
Session 5: Feb. 2 – Mar. 5 (5 weeks)
Session 6: Mar. 10 – April 2 (4 weeks)
Session 7: April 7 – May 5 (5 weeks)
Session 8: May 12 – June 16 (6 weeks)
Summer Session: July 7 – July 27 (self-paced)
Classes meet in person, Tuesdays at 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. and Thursdays asynchronously
Class Scheduling (2024-2025):
Payment Schedule
$550 August 25th
$250 Sept. 25th
$250 October 30th
$550 Feb. 5th
$250 March 10th
$250 April 5th

Students are currently able to obtain their Associates of Arts in Christian Ministry with our two-year program.